Path: Airships/Models

% Airship Model #2

   Contains the geometric and mass properties for a specific airship model.

   The following geometric configuration is assumed:
     * double-ellipsoid hull with circular cross-section
     * two horizontal tail-fins (identical, symmetric, based on NACA 1412)
     * two vertical tail-fins   (identical, symmetric, based on NACA 1412)
     * streamlined hanging gondola to house payload

   The following design parameters are specified:
     * alt          operating altitude                              [m]
     * L            hull length                                     [m]
     * D            hull diameter                                   [m]
     * ratio        rear ellipsoid length / front ellipsoid length
     * xFinA        start of fin at hull / hull length              (meas from nose)
     * xFinB        start of fin taper / hull length                (meas from nose)
     * xFinC        end of fin / hull length                        (meas from nose)
     * yzFinI       inboard fin width / hull radius                 (meas from center axis)
     * yzFinO       outboard fin width / hull radius                (meas from center axis)
     * xGonA        gondola leading edge / hull length              (meas from nose)
     * xGonB        gondola trailing edge / hull length             (meas from nose)
     * zGon         bottom of gondola / hull radius                 (meas from center axis)
     * rhoFab       area density of skin fabric                     [kg/m^2]
     * mP           payload mass                                    [kg]
     * thrustMax    maximum thrust capability                       [N]
     * xProp        x-location of propellers / hull length          (meas from nose)
     * zProp        z-location of propellers / hull radius          (meas from center axis)

     x-distances for fins, gondola and props are dimensionless (with L)
   y,z-distances for fins, gondola and props are dimensionless (with D/2)

   d = ASM2;




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