Path: Airships/Control
% Autopilot for an airship. Given the desired trajectory and the current measured state, compute the body-frame velocity and angular rate commands for the controllers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: cmd = AirshipAutopilot( action, data ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ action (:) String name of action to take. Choices are: * 'reset' ... Reset the commands to current states * 'set limits' ... Supply rate limits * 'set dt' ... Supply the time step * 'update' ... Update the commands data (.) Data required for action if action == 'reset' (when no data provided, sets all to 0) - data.u ... current axial velocity [m/s] - data.v ... current lateral velocity [m/s] - data.w ... current normal velocity [m/s] - data.p ... current roll rate [rad/s] - data.q ... current pitch rate [rad/s] - data.r ... current yaw rate [rad/s] if action == 'set limits' - data.u ... rate limit, axial velocity [m/s/s] - data.v ... rate limit, lateral velocity [m/s/s] - data.w ... rate limit, normal velocity [m/s/s] - data.p ... rate limit, roll rate [rad/s/s] - data.q ... rate limit, pitch rate [rad/s/s] - data.r ... rate limit, yaw rate [rad/s/s] if action == 'set dt' - data ... time-step [sec] if action == 'update' - trajDes ... desired trajectory data (psi,theta,vel) - trajMeas ... measured trajectory data (psi,theta,vel) - stateMeas ... measured state data (p,q,r,u,v,w) ------- Outputs ------- cmd (.) Data structure of commanded rates - cmd.u ... Axial velocity command [m/s] - cmd.v ... Lateral velocity command [m/s] - cmd.w ... Normal velocity command [m/s] - cmd.p ... Roll rate command [rad/s] - cmd.q ... Pitch rate command [rad/s] - cmd.r ... Yaw rate command [rad/s] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Control/Limit Math: Trigonometry/WrapPhase
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