
Path: Airships/Modeling

% Compute the fin reference area, hull projection, mean chord and width.

   All lengths are non-dimensional. Fin lengths (x) are measured back 
   from the nose. Fin widths (yz) are measured out from the hull 
   [Sf,Sfh,fC,fW] = FinGeometry( a1, a2, b, xFinA, xFinB, xFinC, yzFinI, yzFinO );

   a1          (1)     Semi-major axis of front ellipsoid
   a2          (1)     Semi-major axis of rear ellipsoid
   b           (1)     Semi-minor axis of each ellipsoid
   xFinA       (1)     Leading-edge of fin at hull / hull length
   xFinB       (1)     Start of fin taper / hull length
   xFinC       (1)     Trailing-edge of fin / hull length
   yzFinI      (1)     Inboard fin width / hull radius
   yzFinO      (1)     Outboard fin width / hull radius

   Sf          (1)     Fin reference area
   Sfh         (1)     Area of hull projection at fins
   fC          (1)     Mean fin chord-length
   fW          (1)     Mean fin width (span)



Airships: Modeling/AirshipCV
Common: Graphics/NewFig

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