Control Designer



This help file explains how to use the ControlDesignPlugIn. The control designer GUI helps you build control systems for your vehicle. It gives you access to all of PSS' multivariable control design tools and lets you build controls using SISO design tools. You can enter models and modify them as needed.

Getting Started

Type ControlDesignPlugin in the MATLAB workspace. If you want to have your logo on the display type

ControlDesignPlugin( 'initialize', yourLogoTiffFile );

where yourLogoTiffFile is a Tiff file containing your logo. Your logo will appear on the lower left hand corner of the GUI.


The major parts of the GUI are listed below:

Tabboxes          - The tab boxes can be used to select different control methodologies
Block Diagram     - Navigate through your system
Simulate          - Do various time and frequency domain simulations.
Buttons           - Buttons to control various functions of the GUI
Message Windows   - Error and status messages are displayed here.

Block Diagram

The block diagram window allows you to navigate through the system. The elements are

Red Circle   - an input
Green Circle - an output
Blue Box     - an open/close switch (closed when blue, open when white)
Gray Circle  - a summing junction
Gray Box     - a block

You can select any element by clicking on the element. It will turn gray.

If you select a block, you will then be operating on the block when you load/save or run simulations. If no block is selected you will be operating on the system. If you want to do a system simulation you must select an input. The outputs are automatically selected for you. If you open the system (by clicking on the blue box) the output is the left most green circle, which is the sensor output. If you are doing a closed loop simulation the output is the right most green circle which gives you the plant states.

The text above the block diagram tells you what your are simulating. The model text line gives you a summary of the model.


Clear Plots

Clear all plots created by the GUI.

Clear Messages

Clear all messages from the message window.


Save the system or block. If you have selected a block in the block diagram the block name will appear. If no block is selected it will save the entire system.


Load the system or block. If you have selected a block in the block diagram the block name will appear. If no block is selected it will load the entire system.


Close the GUI.


Open the help window.



This panel allows you to map the inputs and outputs from the blocks. The mappings are from

Command to Control Control to Plant Plant to Sensor Sensor to Control

If you have not entered a sensor model the Sensor model is made a pure feedthrough (d matrix only)

To Map IOs select the input/output list pair. You can eliminate inputs and or outputs from the list by selecting the item and hitting delete a "#" will be put in front of the item.

To map an input to output, select the input and output you want to map and click "Move Selected"

Reduce Order

There are two methods available.

The one on the left is modal reduction. When the panel is opened the panel will display the eigenstructure. You can then select the modes you wish to retain and push the modal reduction button.

The one on the right is state reduction. You select the states you wish to retain and hit State Reduction. This will generate a reduced state model. It must be possible to put the dropped states in equilibrium. If it is not a warning will appear.


When you click on the SISO tab the currently selected block will be loaded. You can then select an input or output and add additional SISO models by clicking on "Add" and remove them by clicking on the "Remove" button. You can add additional inputs or outputs by clicking on "Add IO". The syntax for adding an IO is always Input name/output name. Either can be new or an existing input our output.


Select a method from the Method list. Fill in the parameters and hit create. The panel will create a statespace controller. If you pick a method that uses an estimator it will create a general state-space plant. Other methods will just generate a d matrix.


This tab allows you to use eigenstructure assignment for control design.

Type these quantities into the workspace

Desired eigenvalues:

lambda = [ -5.6 + j*4.2;...
           -5.6 - j*4.2;...

Desired eigenvectors

vD = [ 1-j  1+j  0  1  1;...
      -1+j -1-j  1  0  0;...
	      0    0    0  0  0];

Weights on the eigenvector elements ----------------------------------- w = [ 1 1 1 1 1;... 1 1 1 1 1;... 100 100 1 1 1];

The design matrix. One column per state Each row relates vD to the plant matrix For example, rows 7 and 8 relate column 3 in vD to the plant. In this case vD(1,3) relates to state 2 and vD(2,4) relates to state 3.

d  = [eye(3),zeros(3,2);... % Desired structure for eigenvector 1
      eye(3),zeros(3,2);... % Desired structure for eigenvector 2
	     0 1 0 0 0;...         % Desired structure for eigenvector 3
	     0 0 1 0 0;...         %
	     0 0 0 1 0;...         % Desired structure for eigenvector 4
	     0 0 0 0 1];           % Desired structure for eigenvector 5
Rows in d per eigenvalue
Each column is for one eigenvalue
i.e. column one means that the first three rows of
d relate to eigenvalue 1
rD = [3,3,2,1,1];

Load the CCV plant into the plant. Then push create. This will generate a gain matrix.



This sections describes the simulation (both time and frequency domain) tools. Select the Inputs and Outputs for which you want the simulations performed.


Step response.


Impulse (actually unit pulse) response.

White Noise

White noise response.

Mean Squared

Mean squared response. The result appears in the message window.

Steady State

Steady state response. The result appears in the message window.

Transmission Zeros

The transmission zeros. The result appears in the message window.


Display the eigenstructure for the system.


Bode plot.


Nichols plot.

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