Database Help

Since version 9.



The database function can be accessed through either a function call or
though its graphical user interface.


Find All   - finds all field in the database and displays them in the list.
Save       - saves the current database.
Save As... - saves the current database with a new name.
Add        - add the variable (listed in the Variable edit box)
             to the database
Delete     - delete the variable (listed in the Variable edit box)
             from the database.
Plot       - plot the variable. It will use the code in the plot edit box
             if any has been entered.
Find       - find the variable in the Find String Edit box.
Help       - get help for the toolbox.

Edit Boxes

Variable      - the name of the variable. If it is a field to a structure
                it will show it as .xxxxx.
Value         - the numerical value of the variable. This may be a function,
                e.g. sin(0.1).
Units         - units for the variable. Any string may be entered.
Reference     - a reference for the variable. Any string may be entered.
Cut and Paste - paste this string into your function or script to use the
Plot code     - custom plot code to be executed whenever you hit Plot.

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