File Help

Since version 9.



The FileHelp function gives  you access to the headers of all of the functions
in the Spacecraft Control Toolbox. You can browse the headers and try out
examples associated with each function. You can also edit the examples, create
new examples and save them into the help database.
When you type FileHelp the FileHelp GUI appears. There are four main panes in
the window. On the left hand side is a display of all files in the toolbox.
The top list is hierarchical and the bottom list is alphabetical.
The right-hand-side will display the selected file header.
Immediately below the header display is the editable example. To
its left is a template for the function. You can cut and past it into your
script or function.

The List Pane

The hierarchical list contains the names of the SCT directories in your path.
A + sign is in front of each name. Click the name
with a plus sign to see which toolbox functions are in each directory. To
view a file's header, example and template, click on the file name.
This list is of the toolbox as you receive it on CD ROM or as downloaded from
the web. It will not show any of your functions.
You can click in either list and the selected header will be displayed.

The Example Pane

This pane gives an example for the function displayed. Not all functions have
examples. The edit display has scroll bars. You can edit the example, create
new examples and save them using the buttons below the display. To run an
example hit the "Run Example" button.
You can have comments in the example by using the % symbol.


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