Since version 9.
This GUI allows you to display any value that is available in telemetry. You can define and save telemetry pages which may contain any number of telemetry plots. You can also open real-time plots.
This GUI saves all data so you can replay past data for display.
The buttons at the top of the GUI show every defined telemetry page. Push a button to open another page.
- Replay: Replay data saved from the most current run or data stored to a file. When you hit replay it will ask you which you want.
- Save to File: Save the current telemetry data to a file. The edit box to the right of this button gives the maximum number of points you want to save. It will undersample if the number is less than the total number of telemetry points saved.
- Number of Points: This edit box gives the number of points to be saved to a file.
- Format: Opens a window that allows you to set the display format for a telemetry point. This format will apply to all pages. Use standard C formats:
%12.4f shows floating point without exponent with 12 characters total and 4 to the right of the decimal point. %12.4e displays an exponent.
- New Plots: Select telemetry points to plot. The plot will start when you close the setup window.
- New Set: Open a telemetry page .mat file. You can save telemetry pages using the save button.
- Delete Page: Deletes the currently open page.
- Add a Page: Add a telemetry page. You enter the number of rows and columns and the total number of points. Each point has a popupmenu that allows you to select any telemetry point.
- Edit Page: Edit an existing page to change parameters listed in "Add a Page.
- Save: Save the telemetry page. This saves the formatting.
- Quit: Quit the Telemetry GUI.
- Help: Opens the help window
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