Winds GUI



This tool enables you to plot the magnitude and direction of steady state
horizontal wind over a range of different parameters. The wind model used
here was developed at the Naval Research Laboratory, and made available to
the public in the form of FORTRAN code. The original code was ported to
MATLAB and is implemented in the m-file, HorizontalWind.m.
NRL Website:
Quoted from the above website:
   The HWM is a comprehensive empirical global model of horizontal
   winds in the middle and upper atmosphere.  This model is based
   on accumulated measurements made using a variety of observational
   techniques, including satellite, radar, and ground-based optical
   remote sensing.  The model is used to provide the necessary winds,
   accounting for time, space and geophysical variations, for many
   ionospheric, dynamical, and aeronomical calculations.
The GUI is divided into two panels. The top panel includes the set of
parameters that may be defined as a range of multiple values for plotting.
This list includes:
   - Altitude (km)
   - Latitude (deg)
   - Longitude (deg)
   - Local Apparent Solar Time (hrs)
The lower panel includes the set of parameters for which only a single
value may be specified. The list includes:
   - Day of year (1-365, where 1 is Jan 1st and 365 is Dec 31)
   - F10.7 Flux, 3 month average
   - F10.7 Flux, previous day
   - Magnetic Index


The variable parameters may be plotted in 3D coordinates. One of the
parameters may be chosen for the x-axis, another may be chosen for the
y-axis. Hit the "Plot" button to generate plots of the wind magnitude and
direction over the specified parameter range. Note: if you choose the same
parameter for both axes, a warning will be displayed and the plot will not
be generated.
There will be 2 parameters that are not assigned an axis. These may be
varied after the plot is generated by using the slider bars at the bottom
of the figure.


In the 3D plot figures, you can snap the view to different 2D perspectives
with horizontal-vertical axes by using the following shortcuts:
CTRL + J    x-y
CTRL + K    y-x
CTRL + L    x-z
CTRL + M    y-z

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