PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
Common Demos


  • CCVDemo: Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model.
  • ControlExample: Put a series of compensators on a double integrator.
  • LQFullState: Demonstrate full state feedback.
  • MatchFilterTest: Test a match filter's ability to find a pulse.
  • ModelMatchingControl: Demonstrate model matching control using a single integrator plant.
  • PIDDemo: Compare the closed-loop response of a linear system
  • PWMVsZOH: Shows the difference between a PWM and a ZOH.
  • QCRDemo: Design and demonstrate a controller using QCR
  • SimpleControl: Simple controller.
  • TFiltRO: Demonstrates how to implement a digital filter.
  • TNoise: Designs noise filters and simulates them to show how they attenuate white noise.
  • TPID: PID Controller for a double integrator.
  • TPIDSat: Demonstrates the effect of integrator windup and how to fix it.
  • TSmooth: Demonstrate fixed interval smoothing using a Kalman Filter



  • TConstant: Demonstrate the Constant database.



  • CDKFDemo: Demonstrate the continuous discrete iterated Kalman Filter.
  • EKFNLSpring: Extended Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
  • IMMDemo: IMM test using a Continuous Wiener process acceleration (CWPA) model.
  • KFFrequencyResponse: Frequency response for a Kalman filter with an oscillator as the model.
  • KFNLSpring: Discrete time Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
  • NLSpringSim: Nonlinear estimator spring simulation.
  • SimpleKalmanFilter: Discrete time Kalman filter
  • UDKFDemo: Demonstrate the Kalman Filter using UD factorization.
  • UKFAndEKFNLSpring: Simulate a UKF and EKF with a nonlinear spring example.
  • UKFNLSpring: Unscented Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
  • UKFPDemoLinearSpring: Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a nonlinear spring example.





  • Rover1D: A UKF for estimating position, velocity and accelerometer bias.
  • UKFDemoNLSpring: Simulate a UKF with a nonlinear spring example.
  • UKFPDemoNLSpring: Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a nonlinear spring example.
  • UKFPDemoRigidBody: Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a rigid body.
  • UKFSmootherDemo: Demo of Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing for an Unscented Kalman Filter.

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