PSS Electrical Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 ABC2SRF.mTransformation from abc to the switching reference frame
 AngleEncoder.mAngle encoder model
 Capacitor.mDynamical model for a capacitor
 DToA.mConverts a digital word to a voltage
 ForceBetweenCoils.mCalculate the forces between a set of coils
 HalbachMotorDesign.mDesign a dual rotor axial flux motor
 Inductor.mDynamical model for an inductor model
 MatchingCircuit.mDesigns an L-type matching circuit
 SRF2ABC.mTransformation from abc to switching reference frame
 Transformer.mAn ideal transformer
 TransformerRHS.mDynamical model of a transformer in the dq frame
 MatchingCircuitDemo.mMatching network demo Published Demo Component values required to make an L-type matching network for a given loop antenna at various frequencies
 MatConDemo.mMatrix converter demonstration Published Demo
 MatConSSDemo.mSimulate a matrix converter in steady state
 ABToDQDemo.mTransformation from the AB frame to DQ frame Published Demo
 PMMachineDemo.mDemonstrate the ABC machine model for a permanent magnet generator Published Demo
 PMMachineSwitchedDemo.mDemonstrate the ABC machine
 BiotSavart.mCurrent line
 MC33Switching.m3-Phase to 3-Phase Matrix Converter Switching Functions
 MCDynamics.mMatrix converter dynamics
 AxialFluxCoil.mGenerates the phase coil datastructure
 DCMotor.mPower amplifier
 DFIGEquilibrium.mPSS internal file version information
 DualRotorDesign.mDesign a dual rotor generator configuration
 FlywheelStresses.mComputes flywheel stresses
 HalbachField.mCompute the field of a Halbach Segment
 PitchServoRHS.mPitch servo model
 PMABCMachineRHS.mPermanent magnet machine model in ABC coordinates
 PMABCMachineSwitchedRHS.mPermanent magnet machine model in ABC coordinates with 6 switches
 PMBMachineRHS.mPermanent magnet brushless machine in DQ coordinates
 ShaftStresses.mComputes shaft stresses
 SynchronousSpeed.mMotor synchronous speed (RPM) from frequency
 BandGap.mDemo for silicon
 HgCdTe.mMercury Cadmium Telluride band gap
 SolarCell.mSolar cell voltage vs current
 ACResistance.mFind enhanced AC wire resistance due to skin effect
 ResistivityAluminum.mCompute the resistivity of cryogenic aluminum alloys
 SkinDepth.mFind electrical skin depth for an AC signal into a conductor