D-He3 fusion power and magnetic field from electron temperature

Demonstrates Bremsstrahlung, FusionPower, and Synchrotron, assuming ions and electrons are at the same temperature.

See also: SigmaV, Bremsstrahlung, FusionPower, Synchrotron, VolumeAveragedPressure, BField


Reference: Bingren, S., "Core Plasma Characteristics of a Spherical

%	Torus Fusion Reactor", Plasma Science & Technology, Vol.
%	7 No. 2 April 2005.
%  -------------------------------------------------------------------------

%   Copyright (c) 2011 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All Rights Reserved

tE = logspace(1,2);

r1 = 'D';
r2 = 'He3';

n1 = 1e20/3;
n2 = 1e20/3;

nI = [n1 n2];
zI = [1 2];

L  = 2.5; % reactor dimension
rW = 0.9; % wall reflectivity

bT = 2.7;

sV = SigmaV( r1, r2, tE);

Plot2D(tE,sV,'T_e (keV)','<\sigma-v> (m^3/s)','Reaction Rate');

pB      = Bremsstrahlung( nI, zI, tE );
pFus    = FusionPower( n1, n2, r1, r2, tE );
pS      = Synchrotron( nI, zI, bT, tE, L, rW );

Plot2D(tE/10,[pFus;pB;pS],'T_e (keV/10)','Power (MW/m^3)','D-He3 Reactor')
legend('Fusion', 'Bremsstrahlung', 'Synchrotron','location','northwest')

% Plot the field
p = VolumeAveragedPressure(tE,nI,zI);
BField( p, 0.8 );
