NbTi model of our LTS wire

The wire is Supercon 54S33 with properties:

See also: NbTiModel

%   Copyright (c) 2020 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

B0  = [0.5 1 1.5]; % T
Jop = 93.5;
JC0 = 240;

temp = linspace(4.5,8.5);
Jc   = NbTiModel( temp, B0 );
[~,~,Tsh(1)] = NbTiModel( [], B0(1), Jop/JC0 );
[~,~,Tsh(2)] = NbTiModel( [], B0(end), Jop/JC0 );
Plot2D(temp,Jc*JC0,'Temperature (K)','Critical Current (A)','Supercon Wire Critical Current')
hold on
text(7,50,sprintf('Tsh: %.3g K',Tsh(2)),'fontsize',12)
text(8,120,sprintf('Tsh: %.3g K',Tsh(1)),'fontsize',12)
ll = legend([num2str(B0');'Tsh';'Jop']);
ll.Title.String = 'B (T)';

T = linspace(4.5,8.5,20);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(T,linspace(0.5,2,20));
[Jc] = NbTiModel( X, Y );

figure('Name','Jc Surface');
cb = colorbar;
cb.Title.String = 'Jc (A)';
colormap jet
xlabel('T (K)')
ylabel('B (T)')
title('Critical Current Surface')
