
Nozzle magnet pancake design script

The alpha and beta shape parameters define the stresses and the fields at the inner magnet wall. For an infinitely long solenoid, Ba=B0 and Bb=0.

% See also: Bpancake, CoilStressSolenoid, PancakeMagnetMass

% Copyright (c) 2018 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
% All rights reserved.


Ri  = 0.15;
Ro  = 0.23;
N   = 5*3200;
Iop = 400;
H   = 0.1225;

[BN,alphaN,betaN] = Bpancake(Iop,Ri,Ro,N,H);

K = 1.5; % guess from alpha/beta
BNmax = K*BN;

% Stress for an infinite solenoid
sigmaN = CoilStressSolenoid( Ri, Ro, true );

% Stresses for a finite solenoid - requires B at each surface and current
% densty
Jnz = N*Iop/((Ro-Ri)*H);
sigmaN2 = CoilStressFiniteSolenoid( 0.15, 0.23, 20, 0, Jnz, true );

% pressure: assume 20 T
p =  MagneticPressure( 1, 20 );
sigmaNMax = sigmaN(1)*p;

[mass,turns] = PancakeMagnetMass( BN, Ri, 5, Iop );

fprintf('\nNozzle Magnets:\n');
fprintf('Central Field: %g T\n',BN);
fprintf('Max Field: %g T\n',BNmax);
fprintf('Max Hoop Stress (infinite): %g MPa\n',sigmaNMax*1e-6);
fprintf('Max Hoop Stress (finite): %g MPa\n',sigmaN2(1,1)*1e-6);
fprintf('Mass: %g kg, Turns per pancake: %d\n',mass,turns);

ans =

Nozzle Magnets:
Central Field: 20.3788 T
Max Field: 30.5683 T
Max Hoop Stress (infinite): 479.457 MPa
Max Hoop Stress (finite): 1573.84 MPa
Mass: 91.4762 kg, Turns per pancake: 15970