Draw a magnet using Tube

This consists of a set of double pancakes, each of which is drawn using Tube. The demo displays the model in a window with color shading to show the distinct double-pancakes.


% Copyright (c) 2018 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
% All rights reserved.

% Magnet radii and width
rO = 23; % cm
rI = 15;
w  = 1.2;
n  = 30;  % divisions

% Single pancake
[v0,f] = Tube( rO, rI, w, n );

B = [0 0 -1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0];
v0 = (B*v0')';

c = [0.50196      0.14902      0.05098];
shading flat
lighting gouraud
hold on

shades = copper;
colors = flipud(ColorSpread( 5, shades ));

vZ = (0:14)*1.25;
ks = 1:2:10;
for j = 1:5
  k = ks(j);
  v = v0;
  v(:,1) = v0(:,1) + vZ(k);
  patch('vertices',v,'faces',f,'facecolor',colors(j,:),'edgecolor',[0.6 0.6 0.6],...
  v(:,1) = v0(:,1) + vZ(k+1);
  patch('vertices',v,'faces',f,'facecolor',colors(j,:),'edgecolor',[0.6 0.6 0.6],...

axis image
grid on
rotate3d on
s = 10*max(Mag(v'));
light('position',s*[-1 0.5 0.5])
title('Pancake  Magnet')
