Shielding thickness calculations from wall loading

Results of a simple attenuation model. Compare three values of possible neutron wall loading.

% See also: ShieldingThickness

%  Copyright (c) 2019 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%  All rights reserved.

powers = [1 2 5]; % kW/m2
fluence = 8.3e22; % 1 year fluence at 1 kW/m2

% macroscopic cross section - B4C or LiH
Sigma = 0.25; % 1/cm

life = linspace(1,20); % years

Ilimit = 5e22;

thick = [];
for k = 1:length(powers)
  flux = powers(k)*fluence*life;
  thick(k,:) = -log(Ilimit./flux)/Sigma;

Plot2D(life,thick,'Lifetime (years)','Thickness (cm)','Shielding with 5e22 n/m2 Fluence Limit')
ll = legend('1 kW/m2','2','5');
ll.Title.String = 'Wall Load';
