Complete thermal analysis from fusion to magnets

See also: RadiationShield, HeatTransferChannel, HeatExchangerWithLosses,


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Waste heat, for a 1.1 MW fusion reactor

Q = 0.61e6;       % W
l = 1.0;          % length of radiating plasma, m
r = 0.3;          % radius of inner wall, m

qSun = 1367; % W/m2

nChannels = 20;   % how many ducts

tIn  = 300;       % inlet (cold) temperature
tOut = 1589;      % out temperature, GE ceramic blades
pR   = 2;         % inlet pressure, ATM
cP   = 424;       % He/Xe

Solar radiation and outer heat shield

dShield = RadiationShield;
dShield.n = 200;    % layers of MLI

% Flux emitted from fusion heat exchanger
dShield.qS = qSun;   % Surface flux (W/m^2)
dShield.epsI = 0.6;  % Emittance of inner MLI wall

[tS, tI, qI, k, outSh] = RadiationShield(dShield);

disp('Heat Thru Sun Shield')
fprintf(1,'Outer shield temperature %12.2f deg-K\n',tS);
fprintf(1,'Inner shield temperature %12.2f deg-K\n',tI);
fprintf(1,'Inner shield flux        %12.4f  W/m^2\n',qI);
fprintf(1,'MLI thickness            %12.2f  cm\n',dShield.n/outSh.nD);
Heat Thru Sun Shield
Outer shield temperature       299.40 deg-K
Inner shield temperature        38.03 deg-K
Inner shield flux              0.0711  W/m^2
MLI thickness                   10.96  cm

Fusion heat exchanger

Assume a 70/30 He/Xe molar mixture

% Calculate heat per channel
c = 2*pi*r;             % circumference
w = c/nChannels;        % channel width
h = 0.5*w;              % channel height
q = Q/l/nChannels;      % wall loading, W/m, per channel

d = struct( 'name',     'Helium/Xenon 70/30',...
            'length',   l,...       % m
            'w',        w,...       % m
            'h',        h,...       % m
            'q',        q,...       % MW
            'cP',       cP,...     % J/kg-K
            'gamma',    1.659,...   %
            'kC',       0,...       %
            'kE',       0,...       %
            'tInlet',   tIn,...     % K
            'tOutlet',  tOut,...    % K
            'tube',     'square',...
            'pressure', pR	);        % ATM
d.gas = {'xe', 0.3, 'he', 0.7};

channel = HeatTransferChannel( d );

% Compute the thermal conductivity of the complete exchanger with the channel,
% duct wall, and an MLI blanket
d = HeatExchangerWithLosses;

% Don't need to do this chamber stuff, it's already determined in the function
% above. Should be able to use the
d.tB0       = tIn;   % cold end
d.qDot      = q; % W/m, this is for one channel
d.cP        = cP;

% approximate conductivity of a 4 mm ceramic wall
kW          = 20.7;  % W/m K  % SJT: source?
% thermal conductance
kW          = kW/0.004; % W/m^2 K
% % heat exchanger channel
% gamma       = d.cP/300; % SJT: what is 300?
% u           = channel.u;   % m/s
% p           = pR*14.7*6895; % ATM to N/m2
% % Note: mu and  kF are actually functions of temperature...
% mu          = 5.95e-5;     % (??) viscosity, kg/m-s
% kF          = 0.0262;      % conductivity (W/m-K) ??
% R           = RFromCPAndGamma(d.cP,gamma);
% rho         = p/(R*d.tB0);
% nu          = KinematicViscosity( mu, rho );
% pR          = PrandtlNumber( mu, d.cP, kF );
% % whoopsies: the reactor diameter or the channel diameter?
% rE          = ReynoldsNumberKinematic( u, channel.d, nu );
% nU          = NusseltTurbulent( rE, pR );
% h           = HeatTransferCoeff( nU, kF, channel.d );  % W/m^2 K

% MLI - compute layers/cm and total conductance.
dMLI        = OptimalMLIDensity;
dMLI.n      = 200; % number of layers
[nD,~,kMLI]	= OptimalMLIDensity(tOut,d.tB0,dMLI);

% sum the thermal conductances
% SJT: conductance or conductivity???
% channel - mean h or beginning/end h
d.k         = 1/(1/kW + 1/channel.out.h(end) + 1/kMLI);

% channel mass flow rate
d.mDot      = channel.mDot; % kg/s

% calculate the temperatures and fluxes
% NOTE: header says input k is thermal conductivity
[tB,tS4,q4] = HeatExchangerWithLosses( d, true );

% Display output
disp('Fusion Heat Exchanger Design')
fprintf('Input heat flux: %g W/m\n',d.qDot)
fprintf('Channel flow rate: %g kg/s\n\n',d.mDot)
fprintf('Thickness of MLI blanket = %.2f cm\n',dMLI.n/nD);
fprintf('Thermal conductance wall: %g W/m2 deg-K\n',kW)
fprintf('Thermal conductance MLI: %g W/m2 deg-K\n',kMLI)
fprintf('Thermal conductance flow: %g W/m2 deg-K\n',h)
fprintf('Total conductance: %g W/m2 deg-K\n',d.k)
fprintf('Max radiative flux: %g W/m2\n',max(q4))
fprintf('Start/end wall temps: %g, %g K\n',tS4(1),tS4(end))
fprintf('Start/end gas temps: %g, %g K\n',tB(1),tB(end))
Fusion Heat Exchanger Design
Input heat flux: 30500 W/m
Channel flow rate: 0.055806 kg/s

Thickness of MLI blanket = 2.27 cm
Thermal conductance wall: 5175 W/m2 deg-K
Thermal conductance MLI: 0.133934 W/m2 deg-K
Thermal conductance flow: 0.0471239 W/m2 deg-K
Total conductance: 0.133618 W/m2 deg-K
Max radiative flux: 1652.02 W/m2
Start/end wall temps: 139.464, 413.15 K
Start/end gas temps: 300, 12776.9 K

Total heat to magnet

d = RadiationShield;

d.n = 200;    % layers of MLI protecting coils

% Flux emitted from fusion heat exchanger
d.qS = 170;   % Surface flux (W/m^2)
d.epsI = 0.2; % Emittance of inner MLI wall


[tS, tI, qI, k, out] = RadiationShield(d);

disp('Heat To Magnets')
fprintf(1,'Outer wall temperature %12.2f deg-K\n',tS);
fprintf(1,'Inner wall temperature %12.2f deg-K\n',tI);
fprintf(1,'Inner wall flux        %12.2e  W/m^2\n',qI);
fprintf(1,'MLI conductance        %12.2e  W/m^2-K\n',k);
fprintf(1,'MLI thickness          %12.2f  cm\n',d.n/out.nD);


Heat To Magnets
Outer wall temperature       177.80 deg-K
Inner wall temperature        27.24 deg-K
Inner wall flux            6.24e-03  W/m^2
MLI conductance            4.14e-05  W/m^2-K
MLI thickness                 17.84  cm