
TSTO takeoff demo.

The TSTO stack starts on the runway in takeoff mode. When it is moving at the takeoff speed it climbs. It transitions from turbojet to ramjet and climbs to the separation altitude and velocity.

The simulation works with flight path and heading angles. You can try flying the vehicle in a variety of trajectories.

The vehicle parameters are documented in the paper:

Paluszek, M. and J. Mueller, Space Rapid Transit - A Two Stage to Orbit Fully Reusable Launch Vehicle, IAC-14,C4,6.2, Toronto, Ontario Canada, October 2014.

The parameters are for a small two stage to orbit vehicle.

The Orbiter starts at the termination condition. The script computes a transfer orbit and the necessary velocity changes to get the Orbiter into an ISS altitude orbit. The Orbiter trajectory is not simulated.


%   Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

% Time step
dT                      = 0.2; % sec
tEnd                    = 2000; % sec
n                       = ceil(tEnd/dT);

% Constants
g                       = 9.806; % m/sec^2
radToDeg                = 180/pi;
rEarth                  = 6378.165; % km
kmToM                   = 1000; % m/km

% Mode ids
ramjet                  = 1;
turbofan                = 0;

% Second stage control
hFinal                  = 370;
orbiterFuelMass         = 22279.2;
orbiterUE               = 464*g/kmToM ;
orbiterDryMass          = 1223.2 + 221.6 + 750.9 + 1781.2 + 901.0 + 600;
orbiterTotalMass        = orbiterDryMass + orbiterFuelMass;
bOrbiter                = pi*2^2*2.7/orbiterTotalMass;

% Control settings
hSeparation             = 40000; % m desired
p                       = StdAtm(hSeparation);
vTakeoff                = 120;
gammaSetTurbofan        = 12.0/radToDeg;
gammaSetRamjet          = 18.8/radToDeg;
machTransition          = 1.25;
hAccel                  = 10000; % 10000
vClimbTurbofan          = 300;
vMax                    = 6.5*p.speedOfSound;

TSTO Aircraft model


% Aircraft
dO                      = load('TSTOOrbiterData');
dF                      = load('TSTOFerryData');
d.lDData                = TSTODragData( dO, dF );
d.lDData.cL             = 2*pi;
d.lDData.alpha          = 0;
massFuel                = dF.massFuel;
massDry                 = dF.massDry;
wingArea                = dF.wingArea;

% Lift and drag model for the Ferry stage
d.cDCL                  = @LiftAndDragJonesSearsHaack;
cLAlpha                 = 2*pi;

d.mass                  = massDry;          % Dry mass of aircraft (kg)
d.atmData               = load('AtmData.txt');

% Turbojet engine data
d.thrust                        = @TurboRamjet;

d.thrustData.ramjet.cP          = 1004;	% Air specific heat
d.thrustData.ramjet.aInlet      = 1.0;	% Inlet area
d.thrustData.ramjet.qR          = 121e6;
d.thrustData.ramjet.gamma       = 1.4;
d.thrustData.ramjet.tT4         = 4000;

d.thrustData.turbojet.tStatic   = 250e3;
d.thrustData.turbojet.kM        = -1/3;
d.thrustData.turbojet.kI        = -1/2;
d.thrustData.turbojet.iSp0      = 10000;

d.thrustData.machTransition     = inf;

Control system data structure

dC.gammaSet             = gammaSetTurbofan;
dC.bankAngle	          = 0;
dC.vSet                 = vClimbTurbofan;
dC.gainGamma	          = 0.1;
dC.gainThrust	          = 0.2;
dC.throttle             = 1;
dC.mode                 = 'takeoff';
dC.vTakeoff             = vTakeoff;
dC.alpha                = 0;

% Set the initial engine mode
mode = turbofan;


% Initial conditions
x   = [0;0;0;0;0;0;massFuel];
t   = (0:(n-1))*dT;

xP  = zeros(18,n);

for k = 1:n

  % Altitude
  h               = x(6);

  % Standard atmosphere
	p               = StdAtm( h );
  mach            = x(1)/p.speedOfSound;

  % Accelerate at altitude in turbofan mode
  if( h > hAccel && mode == turbofan )
    dC.vSet     = 1.05*p.speedOfSound*machTransition;
    dC.gammaSet = 0;

  % Switch modes
  if( mach >= machTransition && mode == turbofan )
    mode        = ramjet;
    dC.vSet     = vMax;
    dC.gammaSet = gammaSetRamjet;

  % Force ramjet mode
  if( mode == ramjet )
    d.thrustData.machTransition = 0.9*mach;
    if( h >= hSeparation )
      dC.gammaSet = 0;

  % Control system
  dC              = ACPointMassControl( x, p, d, dC );

  % Pass data to the dynamics data structure
	d.lDData.p      = p;
	d.lDData.alpha	= dC.alpha;
	d.phi           = dC.bankAngle;
	d.throttle      = dC.throttle;
  d.alpha         = dC.alpha;

	% Get D, L and rho for plotting
	[~, D, L, rho, thrust, mach, q] = RHS3DPointAircraft( x, t(k), d );
	xP(:,k)                         = [x;D;L;rho;d.alpha*radToDeg;d.phi*radToDeg;thrust;mach;q;d.throttle;mode;dC.gammaSet*radToDeg];

	% Update state
  x = RK4(@RHS3DPointAircraft, x, dT, t(k), d );

	% Break if we run out of jet fuel
	if( x(7) <= 0  )



% Limit the plot arrays if it the plane ran out of fuel
xP              = xP(:,1:k-1);
t               =  t(:,1:k-1);

[t,tL]          = TimeLabl( t );

% Convert to km
xP(4:6,:)       = xP(4:6,:)/kmToM;

% Convert to degrees
xP(2:3,:)       = xP(2:3,:)*radToDeg;

% Convert to kN
xP([8 9 13],:)  = xP([8 9 13],:)/kmToM;

yL              = {'V (m/s)' 'x (km)' 'h (km)' 'Mach'  'q' 'Fuel (kg)'};

k               = [1 4 6 14 15 7];

k               = [9 8 11 13 16 17];
yL              = {'L (kN)' 'D (kN)' '\alpha (deg)', 'Thrust (kN)' 'Throttle' 'Mode'};
Plot2D(t,xP(k,:),tL,yL,'Lift and Drag',[],{},{},1,[],1)

k               = [11 2 18];
xP(2,:)         = xP(2,:)*radToDeg;
yL              = {'\alpha (deg)', '\gamma (deg)' '\gamma_s (deg)'};
Plot2D(t,xP(k,:),tL,yL,'Flight Path Control',[],{},{},1,[],1)

ff = NewFig('Mach and Altitude');
[AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(t,xP(6,:),t,xP(14,:));

set(get(AX(1),'Ylabel'),'String','h (km)','FontWeight','bold')
set(H1(1),'linestyle','-','color',[0 0 1])
set(H2(1),'linestyle','-','color',[0 1 0])

% Label final point
tEnd = t(end);
mEnd = xP(14,end);
hEnd = xP( 6,end);
s = sprintf('M = %4.1f',mEnd);
s = sprintf('H = %4.0f km',hEnd);
grid on
set(gca,'YTick',[0 1],'YTickLabel',{'Turbofan', 'Ramjet'})
set(ff,'Color',[1 1 1])

Second stage

vSep                = x(1)/kmToM;
hSep                = x(6)/kmToM;
[dV,dV1,dV2]        = BoostPhaseDeltaV( vSep, x(2), hSep, hFinal );
[vF, gammaF, a, e]  = OrbitVel2D( vSep, x(2), hSep, hFinal );

nuSep               = AERToNu( a, e, hSep+rEarth );
dVDrag              = DVOrbitDrag( [a 0 0 0 e 0], [nuSep pi], bOrbiter  );
dV                  = dV + dVDrag;

massRatio         	= exp(dV/orbiterUE);
massFuel            = orbiterDryMass*(massRatio-1);

fprintf(1,'First Stage\n');
fprintf(1,'Dry Mass                 %12.2f (kg)\n', d.mass);
fprintf(1,'Volume                   %12.2f (m^3)\n',d.lDData.v);
fprintf(1,'Surface Area             %12.2f (m^2)\n',d.lDData.s);
fprintf(1,'Takeoff distance         %12.2f (km)\n',dC.xTakeoff/1000);

fprintf(1,'Second Stage\n');
fprintf(1,'True Anomaly Separation  %12.2f (rad)\n',nuSep);
fprintf(1,'Separation Velocity      %12.2f (km/s)\n',vSep);
fprintf(1,'Flight Path Angle        %12.2f (rad)\n',x(2));
fprintf(1,'Separation Altitude      %12.2f (km)\n',hSep);
fprintf(1,'Drag loss delta V        %12.2f (km/s)\n',dVDrag);
fprintf(1,'Total delta V            %12.2f (km/s)\n',dV);
fprintf(1,'Insertion delta V        %12.2f (km/s)\n',dV1);
fprintf(1,'Circularization delta V  %12.2f (km/s)\n',dV2);
fprintf(1,'Required Mass Fuel       %12.2f (kg)\n',massFuel);
fprintf(1,'Fuel Margin              %12.2f (kg)\n',orbiterFuelMass-massFuel);

% PSS internal file version information
wE =


First Stage
Dry Mass                     43785.60 (kg)
Volume                          93.80 (m^3)
Surface Area                   631.96 (m^2)
Takeoff distance                 1.50 (km)

Second Stage
True Anomaly Separation          3.12 (rad)
Separation Velocity              1.92 (km/s)
Flight Path Angle                0.33 (rad)
Separation Altitude             33.05 (km)
Drag loss delta V                0.35 (km/s)
Total delta V                    6.69 (km/s)
Insertion delta V                3.79 (km/s)
Circularization delta V          2.56 (km/s)
Required Mass Fuel           18367.56 (kg)
Fuel Margin                   3911.64 (kg)