Launch Vehicle Toolbox

Welcome to the Launch Vehicle Toolbox for MATLAB. This help documentation contains many resources to assist you in using this software. We at Princeton Satellite Systems thank you for your interest in our product. You can always find more information on our products on our website:



MATLAB 2014b at a minimum is required to run all of the functions. Most of the functions will run on previous versions but we are no longer supporting them.

What's Included

This section gives a detailed list of all the included modules and their organization structure. Many of the modules included are interdependent on other modules, so do not rearrange the module structure.

Click here to go to the "What's Included" page.

Getting started

This section contains information on how to begin using Princeton Satellite System's Launch Vehicle Toolbox. It explains how to access PSS's very own File Help system and Function Finder system. It also explains how to run any of the demos that are included in this package.

Click here to go to the "Getting Started" page.

GUI Help

This section contains information on many of the graphical user interfaces contained in the toolbox. It provides a description as well as information on how to use each GUI.


This section has all the published demos for the toolbox. Each demo is gone through step by step and evaluated cell by cell as you go down the m-file showing the application of the toolbox functions to solve a problem or examine a solution space. Note that the demos section is also available under the 'Other Demos' portion of MATLAB's help system. This also contains a hierarchal structure that allows you to browse through each demo via webpage.


This section contains the description headers to every single function in the toolbox. It is fully searchable as well in case you are ever looking for a particular function. It is grouped together by modules.