Path: Common/Graphics
% Generate a 3DMF file for a mesh. This function will append ".t3d" to the file. The vertices in the vertex list must be in order, for example if the following are the vertices of a rectangle 1 2 4 3 they must be entered as [1;2;3;4]. colorAtt is vertex color information. One column vector is entered per vertex. The column vector is composed of [ RGBDiffuse; RGBSpecular; SpecularExponent; RGBTransparency] Each RGB variable is a column vector [r;g;b] where r,g and b are between 0 and 1. SpecularExponent is > 1 and can be large. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: Mesh3DMF( v, vM, fileName, colorAtt ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ v (3,:) Vertices vM (:,:) Vertex map. Must be in order. fileName (:) Filename colorAtt (10,:) Color information [[r;g;b];[r;g;b];e;[r;g;b]] ------- Outputs ------- None --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/Centroid Common: Graphics/Normal Math: Linear/Unit
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