
Path: Common/Graphics

% Create two-dimensional plots from a data set.
 Plot y vs x in one figure.
 If x has the same number of rows as y then each row of y is plotted
 against the corresponding row of x. If x has one row then all of the
 y vectors are plotted against those x variables.

 Accepts optional arguments that modify the plot parameters.

 Type PlotSet for a demo.
  h = PlotSet( x, y, varargin )


   x         (:,:)  Independent variables
   y         (:,:)  Dependent variables
   varargin   {}    Optional arguments with values
                     'x label', 'y label', 'plot title', 'plot type'
                     'figure title', 'plot set', 'legend', 'line width'

   h         (1,1)  Figure handle

   See also Plot2D

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