Path: Common/Control

% Create an estimator from a state space system.
 Create an estimator based on the state equations
   x = ax + bw
   y = cx + v

   E(ww') = q
   E(vv') = r
   E(vw') = n

   The estimator will be of the form

   xE = a*xE + b*u + k*(y-c*xE)

   [k, sInf] = QCE( a, c, q, r, b, n )

   a                   Plant matrix
   c                   Measurement matrix
   q                   State noise covariance matrix
   r                   Measurement noise covariance matrix
   b                   State noise input matrix
   n                   State/measurement cost cross-coupling covariance matrix

   k                   Optimal gain
   sInf                Covariance matrix

   References:  Bryson, A., Y. Ho, Applied Optimal Control, Hemisphere,
                1976, 364-373.


Common: Control/QCR

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