
Path: Common/General

% Create radio buttons. 
 Units are pixels. format is a cell array of the orm

 {'property1', value, 'property2', value, ... }

 To initialize type:

 RadioButtons( 'initialize', {'a', 'b', 'c'}, hFig )
   tag = RadioButtons( 'initialize', s, hFig, position, rows, format, cB )
     x = RadioButtons( 'value',  tag )
     x = RadioButtons( 'string', tag )
     x = RadioButtons( 'show', tag )
     x = RadioButtons( 'hide', tag )

   action      (1,:)  Action 'initialize', 'update'
   modifier    (1,:)  Modifier to the action
   hFig        (1,1)  Handle to the figure or if 'update' radio button handles
   s           {}     Cell array of strings
   position    (1,4)  [left bottom width height]
   rows        (1,1)  Number of rows
   format      {:}    Cell array of properties
   cB          (1,:)  Callback
   x           (1,1)  Output     


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