
Path: CubeSat/MissionPlanning

% Play back an orbit simulation of multiple objects with sensor cones.
 Utilizes AnimationGUI.
   PlaybackOrbitSim( time, object, planet, style )

   time   	(1,N) Time vector. For display only. Use any units.
   object	(:)   Data structure array of simulated objects in orbit
                 See PackageOrbitDataForPlayback.m. Fields are:
                 .rEF         (3,N) Earth fixed position (km)
                 .vEF         (3,N) Earth fixed velocity (km/s)
                 .lat         (1,N) Latitude (rad)
                 .lon         (1,N) Longitude (rad)
                 .h           (1,N) Altitude (km)
                 .coneFOV     (1,N) Cone field of view (rad)
                 .conePitch   (1,N) Cone pitch from nadir (rad)
                 .coneAzimuth	(N,1) Cone azimuth from north (rad)
                 .coneAxis    (3,N) Cone axis in Earth-fixed frame
                 .swathX      (N,P) Swath curve, Earth-fixed x-coord.
                 .swathY      (N,P) Swath curve, Earth-fixed y-coord.
                 .swathZ      (N,P) Swath curve, Earth-fixed z-coord.
                 .swathLat    (N,P) Swath curve, latitude
                 .swathLon    (N,P) Swath curve, longitude
   planet    (:)	Name of planet file to use (e.g. 'EarthHR')
   style     (:)	'2D' or '3D'   
               	 NOTE: '2D' is not yet supported. To be supported
                   in a future release.


   See also:  PackageOrbitDataForPlayback.m



AerospaceUtils: Coord/ECEFToLLA
AerospaceUtils: Coord/ECIToEF
CubeSat: MissionPlanning/PackageOrbitDataForPlayback
CubeSat: MissionPlanning/RapidSwath
Plotting: GUI/AnimationGUI
Plotting: Help/HelpSystem
Plotting: Utilities/InitializeAxes
SC: BasicOrbit/E2M
SC: BasicOrbit/Nu2E
SC: BasicOrbit/Nu2M
SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
SC: Ephem/SunV1
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: ComponentModels/Box
Common: ComponentModels/Cone
Common: ComponentModels/Frustrum
Common: GUIs/LegendFig
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/CloseFigure
Common: General/DeBlankLT
Common: General/GetNewTag
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/AddView
Common: Graphics/AddZoom
Common: Graphics/Axis3D
Common: Graphics/CameraControls
Common: Graphics/ColorSpread
Common: Graphics/DrawVertices
Common: Graphics/Ellipsd
Common: Graphics/Map
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/Plot3D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/SliderBar
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Graphics/TitleS
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Graphics/ZLabelS
Common: Quaternion/AU2Q
Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Quaternion/QMult
Common: Quaternion/QTForm
Common: Quaternion/U2Q
Common: Time/DTSToDTA
Common: Time/Date2JD
Common: Time/JD2000
Common: Time/JD2T
Common: Time/T2JD
Common: Transform/RotMat
Math: Geometry/Perpendicular
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Dot
Math: Linear/DupVect
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit
Math: Trigonometry/CosD
Math: Trigonometry/SinD

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