Disturbance Model Interface
Since version 9.
This GUI allows you to perform disturbance analyses of the spacecraft.
Model Setup
- Model: Select a .mat file containing the CAD model.
- No of Harmonics: Enter an integer for the maximum number of harmonics to compute.
- DC: DC torque vector.
- Sine: Sine component of the harmonics. A 3-by-no of harmonics matrix.
- Cosine: Cosine component of the harmonics. A 3-by-no of harmonics matrix.
Disturbance Model Generation
- Attitude Profile: Select the attitude profile. Edit windows will open below, depending on your choice.
- Solar Array Sun Tracking On?: If you select this, the solar array will track the sun.
- Solar Array Offset: The solar array offset either from zero, if tracking is not selected or the tracking angle, if tracking is selected.
- Time Plugin : Select the time units, value test duration and time step. If you pick "String" as the time units you can enter:
winter solstice xxxx spring equinox xxxx summer solstice xxxx fall equinox xxxx
where xxxx is a calendar year.
- Elements Plugin: Enter orbital elements.
- Save Plots: Save the plots generated by the disturbance model.
- Close Plots: Close the plots without closing the GUI.
- 3D On: View a 3D picture of the spacecraft.
- Compute: Run the disturbance model.
- Quit: Quit the Failure GUI.
- Help: Opens this online help window.
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