Orbit Propagator Interface

Since version 9.



The orbit propagator interface, which is created by PropagateOrbitPlugin.m
allows you to propagate any type of orbit using ode113, the MathWork's
state-of-the-art propagator.
The GUI has several different "panes." These are summarized below. The following
sections discuss each in more detail.
Time Pane                - set the time
Elements Pane            - set the initial orbital elements. These are always referenced
                           to the ECI frame
Atmosphere Pane          - select one of four atmosphere models
Propagation Pane         - select the coordinate frame in which to propagate
Gravity Model Pane       - select the gravity model and the order of the model
Stopping Conditions Pane - select the stopping condition for the simulation
Customization Pane       - select simulation options and functions you wish to
                           plug in to the simulation
Buttons                  - control the simulation
The propagator can be run interactively or as part of a Matlab script.


      A set of times can be entered for the duration. For example you could enter:
      0:25 hr
      linspace(0,60000,1000) sec
      [0 1 7 9 11 22 43 900] min
      MyTimeSequence hr
      Any Matlab command or function can be entered into duration. If anything except
      a time is entered, DT is ignored.
      The J70 inputs are:
      aP         Geomagnetic index 6.7 hours before the computation
      f          Daily 10.7 cm solar flux (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec)
      fHat       81-day mean of f (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec)
      fHat400    fHat 400 days before computation date
      If you select Other... the DensityFunction edit box will be enabled. You can enter
      the name of your own density function in this box.

The Noise Function returns the plant noise matrix, q, for the covariance propagation:

pDot = f*p + p*f' + q

where f is the matrix of partials of the right-hand-side of the orbit.

The initial mass is the mass of the spacecrft.

The integration tolerance gives the overall tolerance used to determine when to change order or step size. The relative tolerance gives the error on any one state. The numbers in the GUI, 1e-12 in each, give accuracy to the level of cm.

The covariance tolerance is the absolute tolerance on covariance propagation.

The three checkboxes allow you to select planetary perturbations, propagate the covariance and use a analytical derivative for the covariance propagation. When you select planetary perturbations, you will get the moon and the sun if the earth is the center and the sun and earth if the moon is the center. No other perturbations are modeled at this time.

When you select "Propagate Covariance" the covariance and noise inputs will be enabled. You should enter the initial state covariance into the box. You need only enter upper or lower triangular information. The propagator automatically does

p = 0.5*(p + p')

to insure that the covariance matrix is symmetric.

The second is the constant acceleration noise covariance matrix to be used in the equation

pDot = f*p + p*f' + q


          Only the main diagonal of the covariance matrix is saved.

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