Since version 9.



This GUI allows you to test star identification. You can read in sets of star data, enter parameters and identify stars using intensity and/or angular separation. The GUI will automatically display the star catalog and the star data.

To use the GUI, first select a star catalog from the popup menu and click "Load Catalog". Then, click "Select Directory" to choose the directory with the star data files. You must select files from the returned list, then click "Identify" to run the algorithm. There are three methods to choose from in the popup menu. Star ID results are appended to a file named dPTolData.dat in the current directory.

For a tutorial, star by loading the FK5 star catalog. Then load the StellarData directory in your toolbox and select the SampleStarData.txt file. Click "Run Movie" to see the star data points in a plot. Choose the Triad method, then click "Identify". The results are printed in the Stars window and in a plot with the identified stars labeled by name.

Star Data Files

This is a list of files in a chosen directory. To set the directory, click "Select Directory" in the bottom row of buttons. Use the file dialog the find the directory of interest. Enter the directory and select any file. All files that are not .m or .mat files will be listed.

Files are expected to be formatted with one centroid per row with each row containing the x pixel location, y pixel location and intensity. There is sample data in the StellarData directory of the toolbox.

Selected Data

This is a list of star data to be analyzed. Each file will be analyzed separately. Hold down the shift key to select multiple files. If you hit "Run Movie" each file will be displayed as a frame in a movie. If you hit "Snapshots" all of the frames will be displayed in a single figure.


This listbox displays the identified stars.


Message Window

Displays messages from the GUI.


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