Stellar Help

This GUI allows you to identify stars from images.
 Since version 9.


Control Summary


Displays the attitude quaternion obtained from the star map.

Star Catalog

Displays the name of the star catalog in use.

Dark File

The file name of the dark frame used to calibrate the images.

Image File

The file name of star image that is to be procesed.


Identify stars and compute the quaternion. This will only by enabled
after the centroid button has been pushed.


Identify star centroids.

Select Star Catalog

Select the star catalog. It will bring up a file selection dialog.

Select Dark Frame

Select the dark frame. It will bring up a file selection dialog.

Select Image

Select the star image. It will bring up a file selection dialog.

Use Intensity

When clicked the star id will use intensity information.

Show Centroid Images

This is a toggle button. When pushed it will cause the centroiding
software to display the star images.

Star threshold

This is the minimum stellar magnitude of stars that are to be loaded
from the database.


This is the fraction of the maximum pixel value that will be used to
threshold the star image.

Dot Product Tolerance

The tolerance used on dot products when doing star identification.

Intensity Tolerance

The tolerance used on intensity when doing star identification.

Intensity Scale

The scale used to convert pixel output to watts/m^2.

Horiz. Pixels/Degree

The horizontal angular width of a pixel.

Vert. Pixels/Degree

The vertical angular width of a pixel.

Centroid List

List of objects and their centroids from the centroiding algorithm.

Star List

List of identified stars.

Using the GUI

The Process

The steps you take are:
  a. Select an image file.
  b. Set the threshold
  c. Hit "Centroid"
  d. Select a star catalog
  e. Enter the CCD parameters
  f. Hit identify

Needed Data

You need to have the intensity scaling data if you plan to use intensity information.
This is most easily done by finding a known star, measuring the output using the centroiding
algorithm, and setting the intensity scale. Once this is done you should be able
 to use the same number for multiple images.

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