
Path: Orbit/OrbitManeuver

% Computes the delta-v for a coplanar Hohmann transfer

   [dV, dV1, dV2, eT, aT] = DVHoh( r1, r2, v1, mu )

   r1                    Radius 1
   r2                    Circular Orbit radius 2 (target)
   v1                    Velocity 1
   mu                    Gravitational parameter

   dV                    Total required delta-v
   dV1                   Transfer ellipse injection delta-V
   dV2                   Final orbit injection delta-V
   eT                    Eccentricity of the transfer orbit
   aT                    Semimajor axis of the transfer orbit

    References:  Wiesel, W. E., Spaceflight Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1988,
                 pp. 71-74.

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