Path: Orbit/OrbitMechanics
% Computes a fuel budget from a list of events. You need only fill in the data structure with the data needed for the types of maneuver used. The first event should always be 'initial'. For delta-V maneuvers if some of the delta-V thrusters are chosen for acs use, those thrusters will be off-pulsed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: b = FBudget( event, x, file, title, html ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ event (:) Event data structure event.description (1,:) String describing the event event.type (1,:) 'initial', 'delta-v', 'delta-h', 'acs','pulses', 'circular' event.aCSThruster (1,:) List of ACS thrusters to use <- all event.dVThruster (1,:) List of deltaV thrusters to use <- 'delta-V' event.dVTotal (1,1) Total delta-V <- 'delta-V' event.dTControl (1,1) Control period <- 'delta-V', 'acs' event.burnEff (1,1) Burn efficiency <- 'delta-V' event.dHTotal (1,1) Total delta-H <- 'delta-H' event.disturbance (3,1) Attitude disturbance <- 'acs' event.pulsewidth (1,1) Pulsewidth to be used <- all event.nPulses (1,1) Number of pulses <- pulse event.duration (1,1) Used for attitude control <- 'acs' event.regulated (1,1) 1 if regulated at following level event.cM (3,1) Center of mass event.circular (1,1) struct('period',p,'radius',r,'duration',t) <- 'circular' x (1,1) Spacecraft data x.regulatedPressure(1,:) Regulated pressure (if any) x.systemTemp (1,:) Temperature of each system x.systemVol (1,:) Volume of each system x.systemFuel (1,:) Fuel per system x.pressurantMass (1,:) Pressurant mass per system x.pressurantR (1,1) Pressurant gas constant x.thrusterData (:) Data .systemID (1,1) System it is attached to .iSP (1,:) ISP coefficients* .thrust (1,:) Thrust coefficients* .riseTime (1,:) Thruster pulse rise time .fallTime (1,:) Thruster pulse fall time .u (3,1) .r (3,1) x.dryMass (1,1) Dry mass x.fuelDensity (1,1) Fuel density x.controlDT (1,1) Control period file (1,:) File name title (1,:) Budget title html (1,:) Any argument here gives html ------- Outputs ------- b (:) b.description (1,:) String describing the event b.massTotal (1,1) Total mass b.massFuel (1,:) Mass of fuel per system b.fuelUsed (1,:) Fuel used per system b.pressure (1,:) Pressure per system b.iSpACS (1,:) Average ACS Isp by.iSpDV (1,:) Average DV Isp * Note: These coefficients model the thrust an Isp for short pulses. Please see the functions ISp and Thrust below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orbit: OrbitManeuver/CircularManeuver SC: Actuator/BDDesign SC: Actuator/BloDown SC: Environs/MolWt2R Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/CreateHTMLTable Common: General/CreateLatexTable Common: General/DispWithTitle Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/StringMatch Common: General/StringToTokens Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Math: Analysis/Simplex Math: Analysis/Simplex2 Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/InvP Math: Linear/Mag Math: Linear/SumV
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