
Path: Orbit/OrbitMechanics

% Compute continuous-time relative dynamics for Gauss' variational equations
 The form is:
        d/dt(del) = A(el)*del + B(el)*u

 where A(el) is all zeros, except lower-left corner is -3n/2a,
 n is the mean orbit rate, and u is the input acceleration with 
 x,y,z components in the radial, along-track, and orbit-normal 
 (or cross-track) directions, respectively.
   [A,B] = GVEDynamics( el );

   el         (1,6) Reference orbital elements [a,i,W,w,e,M]

   A          (6,6) State dynamics matrix
   B          (6,3) Input effect matrix


SC: BasicOrbit/E2Nu
SC: BasicOrbit/M2E
SC: BasicOrbit/M2EApp
SC: BasicOrbit/M2EEl
SC: BasicOrbit/M2EHy
SC: BasicOrbit/M2Nu
SC: BasicOrbit/M2NuPb
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Math: Linear/DupVect

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