Path: Orbit/Optimization
% Propagate and plot the planar trajectory from costates. The cost function returns the state and time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [xF, xFErr] = Plot2DTrajectory( lambda, d, units, plotTitle ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ lambda (3,1) Costates d (.) Structure to pass to fun .costFun @ .orbRate (if nondimensional) .aU .mu .rF .xF units (1,:) Units for position plotTitle (1,:) Title for the plot ------- Outputs ------- xF (:,1) Achieved State xFErr (:,1) State Error tF (1,1) Time of achieved state --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
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