
Path: Orbit/OrbitManeuver

% Computes semi-major axis from revisit and swath angle.
 Computes semi-major axis from the desired revisit time and the swath
 angle. The default parameters are for the earth. The swath angle is the
 full angle. It recomputes swath for the new orbits.

 Type SemimajorAxisRevisit for a demo around the earth.
   [a, swath] = SemimajorAxisRevisit( swath, revisit, mu, rP, day )
   [a, swath] = SemimajorAxisRevisit( swath, revisit ) (Earth)

   swath   (1,1) Swath angle (rad)
   revisit (1,:) Revisit time (days)
   mu      (1,1) Gravitational parameter (km^3/s^2)
   rP      (1,1) Planet radius (km)
   day     (1,1) Length of day (sec)

   a       (1,:) Semi-major axis (km)  
   swath   (1,:) Swath angle (rad)

 See also PeriodToSemimajorAxis.


Link: LinkUtilities/PeriodToSemimajorAxis
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl

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