
Path: Orbit/StraightLine

% Computes power and thrust as a function of specific power.
 Assumes constant acceleration to the midpoint then constant
 It automatically limits results to sigma's that will work.
 Type ThrustElectric for a demo for an Alpha Centauri mission.
   [thrust, sigma, mE, mF, power, dV] = ThrustElectric( tM, d, uE, sigma, f, eta, mP )

   tM      (1,1) Mission time (sec)
   d       (1,1) Distance (km)
   uE      (1,1) Exhaust velocity (km/s)
   sigma   (1,:) Specific power (W/kg)
   f       (1,1) Structural fraction (kg/kg fuel)
   eta     (1,1) Engine efficiency
   mP      (1,1) Mass of spacecraft not including fuel, fuel tankage or engine

   thrust  (1,:) Maximum thrust (N)
   sigma   (1,:) Specific power (W/kg)
   mE      (1,:) Engine mass (kg)
   mF      (1,:) Fuel mass (kg)
   vMax    (1,1) Maximum velocity
   power   (1,:) Engine power (W)
   dV      (1,1) Delta V (km/s)



Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle

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