
Path: SC/Disturbances

% Computes the aerodynamic force using surface accommodation coefficients.
 User inputs a data structure specifying a set of planar areas. The
 coefficients may be scalars, a function, or provided by a built-in function 
 which is a fit to experimental data for N2 on aluminum (Fredo).

 A coefficient function should have the form:

   [sigmaN,sigmaT] = FCoeff( cosAlpha )

 where cosAlpha is the dot product of the velocity vector and the area
 normal vector. The sign convention is for outward normals and velocity is
 that of the spacecraft or object.
               FAeroSurfaceAccommodation; % demo of a cube
   [f,cD,cL] = FAeroSurfaceAccommodation( u, rho, t, m, d ) % built-in
   [f,cD,cL] = FAeroSurfaceAccommodation( u, rho, t, m, d, sigmaN, sigmaT )
   [f,cD,cL] = FAeroSurfaceAccommodation( u, rho, t, m, d, fSigma )

   u              (3,:)  Velocity vector (m/sec)
   rho            (1,1)  Atmospheric Density (kg/m^3)
   t              (1,1)  Atmospheric Temperature (K)
   m              (1,1)  Mean molecular weight (kg/mol)
   d               (.)   Plate data structure
                          .area        (1,:) Areas
                          .normal      (3,:) Normals
                          .temperature (1,:) Temperatures
   sigmaN        (1,1)   Normal coefficient
   sigmaT        (1,1)   Tangential coefficient
     -- or --
   fSigma        (*)     Function handle, optional

   force          (3,1)  Total force (N)
   cD             (1,1)  Equivalent coefficent of drag
   cL             (1,1)  Equivalent coefficent of lift
   f              (3,:)  Element forces

 References:   Richard Michael Fredo, "A Numerical Procedure for
               Calculating the Aerodynamic Coefficients for Complex 
               Spacecraft Configurations in Free-Molecular Flow,"
               Pennsylvania State University, Masters thesis, 1980.

               Fredo and Kaplan, "Procedure for Obtaining Aerodynamic
               Properties of Spacecraft," J. Spacecraft Vol. 18 No. 4,
               July-August 1981.
  See also FAeroSurfaceAccommodation>AccommodationCoefficients


SC: Environs/MolWt2R
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Dot
Math: Linear/DupVect
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit

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