Path: SC/Dynamics

% The right hand side of equations formulated using Lagrange multipliers

   [M, Q] = fDyn( x, t, dynData );
   [phi, phiQ, phiTDot, phiDot, phiQDot] = fConstraint( x, t, constData )

                                    2    2
   The equations of motion are   M d x/dt  = Q
   The constraints are                phi  = 0

	If nIts > 0 it will use the iterative formulation.

   Since version 2.
   xDot = FDC( x, t, fDyn, fConstraint, dynData, constData, penalty, nIts )

   x            (:,1)     The state vector [x;xDot]
   t                      Time
   fDyn         (1,:)     Name of the dynamics function
   fConstraint  (1,:)     Name of the constraint function
   dynData      (:,:)     Data to be passed to the dynamics function
   constData    (:,:)     Data to be passed to the constraint function
   penalty      (1,3)     Penalty function scalars [alpha, mu, omega]
   nIts         (1,1)     Number of iterations

   xDot         (:,1)     The derivative of the state vector


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