Path: SC/Sensor
% Models a gyro. Input is a data structure with, at a minimum, input.type 'hrg default' (for a default Hemispherical Resonating Gyro) input.u eye(3) (for three orthogonal gyros) You may fill in the rest of the data structure or use the built in defaults. Optical and other solid-state gyros have the equations dangle/dt = w + b + d.angleRandomWalk1Sigma*randn db/dt = -d.beta*b + d.biasRandomWalk1Sigma *randn y = angle + d.outputNoise1Sigma *randn c = fix(d.scaleFactor*y/d.lSB) Mechanical gyros have the equation terms in the output equation y = (d.forwardGain/d.damping)(d.angularMomentum*angle - d.torqueRebalanceGain*z) + d.outputNoise1Sigma*randn and the additional state dz/dt = y; where beta is the correlation time constant for the bias drift. On initialization, the scale factor and bias are set using d.scaleFactor = d.scaleFactor + d.scaleFactor1Sigma*randn d.bias = d.bias1Sigma*randn Valid types are: hrg default fog default Mechanical RIG default Mechanical RG default For failures the input is the index of the failed gyro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: output = Gyro( action, input ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Arguments --------- action (1,:) Action action is 'initialize' input (1,1) Data structure .type (1,:) Same as input string described above .u (3,n) Unit vectors for the gyros .lSB (1) LSB for the gyros (quantization) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Farrenkopf, R.L., (1974). Generalized Results for Precision Attitude Reference Systems Using Gyros. AIAA Paper 74-903. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SC: Attitude/RW2SDev SC: Sensor/Counter
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