Path: SC/Sensor
% Model a hemispherical resonating gyro. Includes all noise sources and temperature dependence. The data structure is: hRGDS(1) = struct('angle' , 0,... 'measurement' , 0,... 'temp' ,300,... 'tempNom' ,300,... 'unitVector' , [1;0;0],... 'biasDrift' , 0.006*degToRad,... 'biasDriftT' , 0.044*degToRad,... 'biasDriftU' , 0.00028*degToRad,... 'angleDepDrift' , 0.37*degToRad,... 'angleDepDriftT' , 0.0044*degToRad,... 'angleDepDriftU' , 0.0045*degToRad,... 'angleRandomWalk', 0.000065*degToRad/60,... 'scaleFactor' , 1.0,... 'scaleFactorU' , 0.02,... 'scaleFactorT' , 0.11,... 'resolution' , degToRad/3600,... 'initialize' , 0 ); Since version 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: hRGDS = HRG( hRGDS, w, dT ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ hRGDS (:,:) Data structure for the gyros w (3,1) Inertial body rate dT (1,1) Time step (sec) ------- Outputs ------- hRGDS (:,:) Data structure for the gyros --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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