
Path: SC/DemoFuns

% The constraint equations and Jacobians. The outputs are
   Holonomic         Non Holonomic
   ---------         -------------
   phi               phi
   phiQ              A
   phiT              0
   phiDot            BDot
   phiQDot           ADot

   where the holonomic constraints are of the form

   phi(q,t) = 0

   and the non holonomic constraints are of the form

   A(q,t)qDot + B(q,t) = 0
   Since version 2.
   [phi, phiQ, phiT, phiDot, phiQDot] = KConstP( q, t, constData )

   q            (2n,1)    The state vector [q;qDot]
   t            (1,1)     Time
   constData    (:,:)     Data to be passed to the constraint function [ L^2 ]

   phi          (n,1)    The constraint vector
   phiQ         (n,n)    The Jacobian of the constraint vector with respect to the state
   phiT         (n,1)    The Jacobian of the constraint vector with respect to time
   phiDot       (n,1)    The derivative of the state vector with respect to time
   phiQDot      (n,n)    The time derivative of the Jacobian marix


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