
Path: SC/MagneticControl

% Demonstrates magnetic control and power profiles.
 Six DOF simulation with point mass orbit, rigid body dynamics, and the
 magnetic torque handled explicitly in the RHS. Satellite is modeled
 with three magnetic torquers and four solar panels.
  See also MagField and FRBWithMag, QForm, Constant, NPlot, Plot2D, 
  Plot3D, PrintFig, TimeGUI, TimeLabl, RK4, Date2JD, OrbRate, El2RV, 
  PltOrbit, Eclipse, SunV1
   Copyright (c) 1995-2004, 2008, 2016 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
   All rights reserved.
   2016.1 Switch to newer IGRF11 model (from 1995 data) for the Earth. Also
   change RHS to a function handle.


AC: ACData/ACTConstants
AerospaceUtils: Coord/ECIToEF
AerospaceUtils: Coord/QIToBDot
SC: BasicOrbit/CP2I
SC: BasicOrbit/E2Nu
SC: BasicOrbit/El2RV
SC: BasicOrbit/M2E
SC: BasicOrbit/M2EApp
SC: BasicOrbit/M2EEl
SC: BasicOrbit/M2EHy
SC: BasicOrbit/M2Nu
SC: BasicOrbit/M2NuPb
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
SC: Dynamics/FRBWithMag
SC: Dynamics/RBModel
SC: Environs/MagField
SC: Environs/MagFieldData
SC: Environs/MagFieldPlanet
SC: Environs/ReadMagField
SC: Ephem/CEcl2Eq
SC: Ephem/Eclipse
SC: Ephem/Moons
SC: Ephem/Planets
SC: Ephem/SolarSys
SC: Ephem/SunV1
SC: Ephem/SunVectorECI
SC: SCData/sCTConstants
SC: SCMat/EarthMR
SC: Visualization/PlotPlanet
SC: Visualization/PltOrbit
Common: CommonData/Constants
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: CommonData/xSplashSmall
Common: Control/C2DZOH
Common: Database/Constant
Common: GUIs/TimeGUI
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/CloseIfHandle
Common: General/DeBlankAll
Common: General/DeBlankLT
Common: General/DeleteCell
Common: General/DispWithTitle
Common: General/ListCases
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/AxesCart
Common: Graphics/Axis3D
Common: Graphics/NPlot
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/Plot3D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/PrintFig
Common: Graphics/TextS
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Graphics/ZLabelS
Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Time/DTSToDTA
Common: Time/Date2JD
Common: Time/JD2000
Common: Time/JD2T
Common: Time/T2JD
Common: Transform/Cart2Sph
Math: Analysis/PGauss
Math: Analysis/SCHarm
Math: Integration/RK4
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Dot
Math: Linear/DupVect
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/SkewSymm
Math: Linear/Unit
Math: Trigonometry/CosD
Math: Trigonometry/SinD

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