Path: SC/Sensor
% Returns roll and pitch for a generic earth sensor. The sensor frame assumes that z is normal to the focal plane. The field "kQ" selects the quaternion from the state vector x. The field "kR" selects the spacecraft position. The outputs are angle about x (roll) and y (pitch) in the sensor frame. If no inputs are given it will return the default data structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [y,valid] = MeasEarthSensor( x, d ) d = MeasEarthSensor -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (:,:) State vector d (1,1) Data structure .kQ (1,4) Quaternion state .kR (1,3) Position state .qBToS (4,n) Body to earth sensor quaternion .bias (2,n) Bias .scale (2,n) Scale .noise (2,n) 1 sigma noise .fOV (1,1) Field of view .quantization (1,1) Least significant bit ------- Outputs ------- y (n,1) Measurements in counts valid (1,n) Data valid flag --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: Coord/U2AzEl Common: Quaternion/QForm Math: Linear/Unit
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