
Path: SC/Attitude

% Computes a pointing budget over n categories. 
   Terms will be RSS'd within categories and categories will be added.

   Since version 10.
   [cep, r, s, t, cList] = PointingBudgetLatex( errors, desc, categ,
                                                aZ, eL, file )

   errors          (n,3)  Error contributions [roll,pitch,yaw] (3 sigma)
   desc            {n}    Descriptions of the error contributions
   categ           {n}    Categories
   aZ                     Azimuth of beam (deg)
   eL                     Elevation of beam (deg)
   file                   File name for printed budget

   cep                    Circular error (0.99865)
   r               (2,1)  Azimuth and elevation errors
   s               (m,3)  Summary by category (m = number of categories)
   t               (1,3)  Totals
   cList           (m,:)  Categories corresponding to s

   See also: PBudget


AC: ACData/ACTConstants
SC: Attitude/FPB
SC: Attitude/PBudget
SC: SCData/sCTConstants
Common: CommonData/Constants
Common: CommonData/xSplashSmall
Common: Database/Constant
Common: General/ColumnSizeCellArray
Common: General/CreateLatexTable
Common: General/CreateTable
Common: General/DeleteCell

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