
Path: SCPro/ProActuators

% Design a minimum mass air core magnetic torquer.
   You pass in the dipole, wire physical parameters and wire dimensions. 
   It minimizes the weighted cost:

   cost = alpha*mass + power

   The voltage is determined by the dimensions, resistivity and dipole.
   As an alternative you can input the voltage and it will return the

   Type AirCoreMagneticTorquerDesign for a demo using copper wire.

   Since version 11.
   d = AirCoreMagneticTorquerDesign( d )

   d           (1,1)   Data structure
                       .aWG              (1,1) Wire gauge 0000 is -3
                       .dipole or .v     (1,1) Dipole (ATM^2) or Voltage (V)
                       .densityConductor (1,1) Conductor density (kg/m^3)
                       .conductivity     (1,1) Conductivity (S/m)
                       .dim              (1,2) Dimensions of the coil (m)
                       .alpha            (1,1) Weight for mass (W/kg)

   d           (1,1)   Data structure with additions
                       .rWire            (1,1) Wire radius (m) 
                       .i                (1,1) Current (A)
                       .rhoWire          (1,1) Resistance (Ohm/m)
                       .lWire            (1,1) Wire length (m)
                       .mWire            (1,1) Mass wire (kg)
                       .R                (1,1) Coil resistance (Ohm)
                       .nTurns           (1,1) Wire turns
                       .v                (1,1) Voltage (V)
                       .power            (1,1) Power (W)

   See also DiameterAWG, ResistanceAWG


AC: ACData/ACTConstants
SC: SCData/sCTConstants
Common: CommonData/Constants
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: CommonData/xSplashSmall
Common: Database/Constant
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/DeleteCell
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Electrical: Wire/DiameterAWG
Electrical: Wire/ResistanceAWG

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