Path: SCPro/ProEnvirons
% Creates an albedo map from a texture map. Works with any Matlab compatible file format. Has a built-in demo. Functions to convert texture maps to albedo may be supplied in the form alpha = fun( textureMap ); textureMap is a Matlab generated format using the Matlab imread function. textureMap = imread( fileName ); The default functions assume value of: blue - 0.14, green - 0.3, brown - 0.45, white - 0.87, clouds - 0.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [alpha, alphaMean] = AlbedoFromTextureMap( planetFile, cloudFile, planetFun,... cloudFun, alphaAve ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ planetFile (1,:) Name of the planet file, see EarthMid.jpg cloudFile (1,:) Name of the cloud file, see cloudsMid.jpg planetFun (1,:) Name of the planet function* cloudFun (1,:) Name of the cloud cloud function* alphaAve (1,1) Default alpha (0.34 is the default ) * Default functions are provided. ------- Outputs ------- alpha (:,:) Albedo map alphaMean (1,1) Mean alpha --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/NewFig
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