Path: SCPro/ProEnvirons
% Computes the atmospheric density using scale heights above 80 km. Type AtmScaleHeightsStdAtm for a demo. Since version 8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [rho, a, nu, p, t] = AtmScaleHeightsStdAtm( h, atmData ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ h (1,:) Altitude (km) atmData (.) Atmosphere data, see AtmData.txt ------- Outputs ------- rho (1,:) Density (kg/m^3) a (1,:) Speed of sound (m/s) nu (1,:) Kinematic viscosity (N-s/m^2) p (1,:) Pressure (N/m^2) t (1,:) Temperature --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: AeroData/AtmData AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmDens2 Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/DeBlankLT Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Common: Graphics/TitleS Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS
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