
Path: SCPro/ProTools

% Generates data for the NRL SolarCon solar array.
   Has two variants. Array A has 2 panels while B has 4.
   See also SASCAD.
   d = NRLArray( variant, display, d )

   variant     (1,1)      'A', 'B'
   display     (1,1)      1 or 0 
   d           (1,1)
                         .panelLength (1,1) Length of each panel
                         .panelWidth  (1,1) Width of each panel
                         .nPanels     (1,1) Number of panels
   d           (1,1)
                         .panelLength  (1,1) Length of each panel
                         .panelWidth   (1,1) Width of each panel
                         .nPanels      (1,1) Number of panels
                         .arrayLength  (1,1) Array total length
                         .arrayWidth   (1,1) Array total width
                         .LReflect     (1,1) Reflector length
                         .LOverS       (1,1) Reflector length/panel width
                         .reflectRatio (1,1) Ratio of relflector to panel
                         .alpha        (1,1) Reflector angle
                         .effSolar     (1,1) Solar conversion efficienty
                         .cellPack     (1,1) Cell packing density
                         .reflectEff   (1,1) Reflector efficiency
                         .area         (1,1) Total area
                         .power        (1,1) Total power
                         .wattsPerMSq  (1,1) W/m^2
                         .kgPerWatt    (1,1) kg/W
                         .mass         (1,1) Total mass


AC: ACData/ACTConstants
SC: SCData/sCTConstants
Common: CommonData/Constants
Common: CommonData/xSplashSmall
Common: Database/Constant
Common: General/DeleteCell

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