Path: SCPro/DynamicalModels
% Right-hand-side of satellite with lift This function includes orientation, and wheel speed. The disturbance function returns the body torque in Nm and the inertial force in N. It assumes 3 orthogonal reaction wheels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = RHSLiftingSatellite; [xDot,L,D,tAero] = RHSLiftingSatellite(x,~,d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Inputs ------- x (16,1) State vector [r;v;q;omega;omegaW] t (1,1) Time d (.) Data structure for the simulation .mu (1,1) Gravitational parameter .cD0 (1,1) Zero angle drag coefficient .cLAlpha (1,1) Lift coefficient .s (1,1) Area for lift and drag (m^2) .eps (1,1) Oswald efficiency factor .inrW (1,1) Wheel polar inertia (kg-m^2) .inr (3,3) Inertia matrix (kg-m^2) .tC (1,1) Control torque (Nm) .tD (3,1) Disturbance torque (Nm) .tW (3,1) Wheel torque (Nm) .rCP (1,1) Moment arm of center of pressure .x0 (16,1) Default state .mass (1,1) Mass .alphaW (1,1) Angle of attack .l (1,1) Characteristic length .cPara (1,1) Parasitic drag coefficient ------- Outputs ------- xDot (13,1) State vector derivative --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/CDCLHypersonic AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmDens2 AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmSnd AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmTemp Thermal: HeatExchanger/AbsoluteViscosity Thermal: HeatExchanger/KinematicViscosity Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/Unit
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