
Path: SCPro/DynamicalModels

% Computes the right hand side for a spacecraft with reaction wheels.
 The wheels can have damping and Coulomb friction and stiction.
 If you call it without any arguments it will return the default data

 The inertia of the body does not include the RWA polar inertia.

 RWA stands for reaction wheel assembly.

 The default data structure is for 3 orthogonal reaction wheels.

 Uses ReactionWheelFriction.m

   d    = RHSReactionWheel; % To get the data structure
   xDot = RHSReactionWheel x, t, d )

   x     (7+n,1)   State vector [q;omega;omegaRWA]
   t     (1,1)     Time (unused)
   d      (.)      Data structure 
                   .inr                (3,3) Body inertia matrix
                   .torque             (3,1) External torque in the body frame
                   .inrRWA             (n,1) Polar inertia of each wheel
                   .torqueRWA          (n,1) Torques on each wheel
                   .uRWA               (3,n) Unit vectors for the RWA
                   .friction           (.)   Friction data structure
                   .useFriction        (1,1) true means use friction

   xDot	(7+n,1)   State vector derivative d[q;omega;omegaRWA]/dt
   hECI	(3,1)     Inertial angular momentum



AerospaceUtils: Coord/QIToBDot
SCPro: ProActuators/ReactionWheelFriction
Common: Quaternion/QTForm

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