
Path: SCPro/ProEnvirons

% Computes the flux from a flat plate.
 Assumes a single sided Lambertian radiator. Includes eclipses.
 This function assumes that the spacecraft are in earth orbit.
 The function does not handle blockage from the earth since the distance
 would be too great for any flux to reach the spacecraft from the

 Type SolarFluxFromPlateECI for a demo of two spacecraft about 7 km
 apart. The camera in the demo points at the target and the flat
 plate points at the camera. The flate plate is in a slightly 
 elliptical orbit.
   e = SolarFluxFromPlateECI( r, rP, n, a, rho, b, fNum, jD )

   r         (3,:)   Spacecraft position in ECI (km)
   rP        (3,:)   Plate position in ECI (km)
   n         (3,:)   Plate outward normal vector in ECI 
   a         (1,1)   Plate area (m^2)
   rho       (1,1)   Surface albedo (0 to 1)
   b         (3,1)   Boresight (ECI)
   fNum      (1,1)   f# = focal length/aperture
   jD        (1,:)   Julian Date (day) 

   e         (1,:)   Flux (W/m^2)

   Reference: Trucco, E. and A. Verri, "Introductory Techniques for 3-D
              Computer, Vision," Prentice-Hall, 1998, pp. 22-25.


Orbit: OrbitMechanics/RVOrbGen
SC: Ephem/Eclipse
SC: Ephem/SunV1
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Time/Date2JD
Math: Linear/Dot
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit

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