
Path: SCPro/ProTools

% Creates a segmented unit sphere Wavefront obj and mtl files.

   The texture files must be in directory d and must be of the form

   name- n longitude- n latititude .xxx

   xxx may be any graphics file format.  The folder should not have any
   files in it aside from the images but it will know that .m, .mat, .obj
   and .mtl are not graphics file. These will become texture files 
   in the .mtl file.

   The resulting files will be name.obj and name.mtl. It will put the
   resulting file in the same folder as the images.

   Type TileOBJSphere for a demo with four panels. Make certain that
   TerrainFiles is in the search path.

   OBJ files are used in many graphics packages.

   TileOBJSphere( d, nLat, nLon )

   d         (1,:)  Target directory
   fileName  (1,:)  Name for the obj and mtl files
   nLat      (1,1)  Number of latitude points per segment
   nLon      (1,1)  Number of longitude points per segment



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