Solar Sail Module

This is the Solar Sail Module for the Spacecraft Control Toolbox. We at Princeton Satellite Systems thank you for your interest in our product. You can always find more information on this or any of our other products on our website:



MATLAB 2009b at a minimum is required to run all of the functions. Most of the functions will run on previous versions but we are no longer supporting them. The Spacecraft Control Toolbox Professional Edition is also required.

What's Included

This module includes only solar sail related functions. This includes special coordinate frames, CAD models, attitude control schemes, simulation capabilities with a thin membrane model, and visualization. The module has models for circular and square sails, or vaned sails like Cosmos-1. Attitude control schemes include vanes, gimballed boom, and moving masses. See the pdf User's Guide for more information.


See the Spacecraft Control Toolbox help for general installation instructions. The folders of the Solar Sail Module need to be added to your path. It does not need to reside in a special place on your computer relative to your other toolboxes or modules.


This section contains the description headers to every single function in the module. It is fully searchable as well in case you are ever looking for a particular function. It is grouped together by modules.


The "Other Demos" section of MATLAB help has all the published demos for this module. Each demo is gone through step by step and evaluated cell by cell as you go down the m-file. This also contains a hierarchical structure that allows you to browse through each demo via webpage.